32. Wag the dog phenomenon of relativity theory

'Wag the dog' is an interesting phenomenon. Generally speaking, 'dog is shaking the tail' is normal, but conversely 'tail is shaking dog'.

Figure 1. Normal phenomenon of a dog shaking its tail

 Today, this word is used in many fields. When used in stocks, it refers to the phenomenon in which futures determine the flow of stocks. In the broadcasting market, it also indicates that the single personal broadcasting catches up with the regular broadcast.

Figure 2. Phenomenon of wag the dog

Wag the dog

This word became widely known in original comedy movies.

Shortly before an election, a spin-doctor and a Hollywood producer join efforts to fabricate a war in order to cover up a Presidential sex scandal. So the president creates a war that could kill tens of thousands of people to hide his scandals. This is a summary of the movie content.

So, the president drives the people's attention to war, and he overturns his political crisis. Humans are inherently selfish. Some say that they hate their fingers being injured by needles rather than the crash of a 300-person plane.  The president thought his deceitful honor more important than the tens of thousands of lives. The film points out that this is human nature.

Wag the dog of the theory of relativity

 There is also the phenomenon of "wag the dog" in relativity theory. The first is the twin paradox. The first principle of special relativity theory is 'relativity principle'. All physical laws of the inertial system are equal to each other. In other words, all observers are equal. But it is easy to misunderstand. It is because we misunderstood the word inertial system.

Figure 3. Comedy movies: Wag the dog

Ideal gas from the ideal gas equation does not exist anywhere in the world. Triangles in mathematics do not have triangles anywhere in the real world. Likewise, inertial systems do not exist in the real world. However, there is only an approximate world.

This world we live in is not an inertial system, but an acceleration system in which gravity exists. No matter how we flee to the corners of the universe, it is only an approximation of the perfect inertial system. If you remember this, the twin paradox is easy to solve.

Figure 4. The twin paradox

The left side indicates that the earth is still, and the rocket has traveled. On the right, the rocket is still and the earth has traveled. When considering gravity, of course, the case of the left is right. This is not the purpose of discussing here, so the solution to twin paradox goes beyond.

When the twins came out on a space-trip and said, 'I was still there, and the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and the whole universe came to travel,' it is a wag the dog phenomenon. But people are not foolish. Few people claim that right is right while solving twin paradoxes today.​

Still a healthy Wag the dog phenomenon

  In the film, the president of the United States has warned tens of thousands of lives to cover up his fears. In this sense, today 's relativity makes the earth, the solar system, galaxies and the universe flat like a pen cake to avoid the existing logical contradiction.

  Let's now interpret the experimental results of the theory of relativity as a length contraction hypothesis. Each interpretation causes a logical inconsistency or 'wag the dog' phenomenon. (1) First, it is the interpretation of muon's sea level reaching as a length contraction.

  When interpreted as the theory of length contraction, the muon is stationary and the earth rushes toward the muon at a speed of 0.998c. As a result, the earth becomes pen cake flat. Can the sun stop while the earth is flat? The sun, the galaxy, the whole universe must flatten.

Fig 5. Wag the dog phenomenon of relativity theory

I have already posted on why this interpretation is logically incorrect, so I will not describe it again. If we explain the natural phenomenon in this way, we will see more of the 'wag the dog' phenomenon in relativity theory. Now, let's look at the other phenomena of 'wag the dog'.

Length contraction is not found in GPS. Length contraction is not an actual phenomenon, so it is natural that it is not found. The authorities in this field also gave up searching for GPS length contraction-phenomena. Niel Ashby deliberately ignored length contractions, saying "GPS is a system of timing." Masanori Sato claims that 'GPS does not work properly if length contraction is correct'.

(2) No length contraction is found in the GPS, but I will explain it by the length contraction phenomenon.

Figure 6. Actual phenomenon in GPS

According to the length contraction, the satellite moves less than 10.4 m/year less than the distance that it has to run classically. But actually it moves 10.4 m further. Therefore, it cannot be explained by the theory of length contraction. But we will try to force this phenomenon into the theory of length contraction.

From the GPS satellites point of view, 
the earth is moving, not the satellite. 
The earth is rotating around the satellite. 
Due to the rotation of the earth, 
the length of the earth is contracted, 
and the satellite can go 10.4 meters further.

This is how GPS interprets the length contraction theory. In other words, to explain the relativistic effect of GPS with length contraction, the satellite is still and it is interpreted that the earth is circling around the satellite. As shown in the picture below.

Figure 7. GPS wag the dog phenomenon

However, this interpretation has a fatal problem. 24 GPS satellites are essential and about 30 satellites are flying around. If so, which satellite should the Earth rotate around? If not, should the earth be dismantled?

Figure 8. Twenty-four trunks (tail) and one tail (puppy)

Not just GPS. (3) Even within the particle accelerator, long-range flight phenomena of muons are found.

Figure 9. Actual phenomenon inside the particle accelerator

   The muon should originally be found at point C, but it is actually found at point D. How does this explain the theory of length contraction? You must set the earth to rotate at almost the speed of light. CERN's LHC particle accelerator has a circumference of 27 km in length, where the particles are accelerated to almost the speed of light. Assuming that this accelerator is about 30 km in circumference, and assuming a particle velocity of 300,000 km, these particles are rotating about 10,000 times per second.

Figure 10. Ultra-high-speed rotation of the Earth due to length contraction (10,000 revolutions per second)

However, let us interpret the phenomenon shown in Fig. 10 as length contraction theory.

From the perspective of protons and muons inside the particle accelerator, 
the muons do not rotate, 
but rather the earth is rotating rapidly. 
If we interpret this way, 
the muon can reach the farther distance D 
because of the length contraction phenomenon.

To do this, the Earth must rotate 10,000 times per second. If so, the above phenomenon can be explained with the length contraction theory. I would really like to ask Hoffmann (a scholar who interpreted Muon's reaching sea level as a length contraction) whether the Earth is currently rotating 10,000 times per second. I am really afraid that anyone who claims this will appear. I will ask you one more question before that.

   When colliding two particles in a particle accelerator, they rotate in opposite directions. The particles collide in that state with almost the speed of light. If you turn the clockwise particle A and the counterclockwise particle B, which way should the earth turn? If you want to claim the 'wag the dog' phenomenon of particle accelerators, you will need to prepare an answer to these questions in advance.

Dog's torso and tail

For all of these phenomena, the trunk and tail of a dog are distinguished as follows. You should definitely see if the tail is shaking the puppy or if the puppy is shaking the tail.

Figure 11. A phenomena of relativity theory

   Most theories and experiments in relativity claim that the earth is the torso and that the smaller masses, such as rockets, muons and satellites, are tail. Only when the muon paradox is interpreted as a length contraction, the earth is called a tail.

This is like making a bigger mistake (war) to conceal the president's own mistakes. In other words, it claims to have the whole universe come to the muon in order to rescue the unproven hypothesis of length contraction. This is a very large logical error.

1. From the beginning, the ether did not really exist.

2. In order to rescue the non-existent ether, they have created a length contraction hypothesis.

3. Of course, this hypothesis has not been validated.

4. Now, in order to preserve this length contraction hypothesis, the Earth claims to be flat like a pancake.

5. In conclusion, the whole universe has to be flat like a pancake for a fictional ether that does not exist.

Is there any more 'wag the dog' phenomenon than this? It seems trivial to get out of the movie.

So how do we overcome these illogical things? It's simple. Instead of length contraction theory, replacing them with length expansion theory ends everything. There is a lot of evidence of length expansion. When the earth becomes the puppy's torso and the muon becomes the puppy's tail, there is no problem. Explaining this expansion of length, we can logically explain the 'sea surface arrival of muon particles'. I look forward to your correct judgment.


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