
Showing posts from May, 2018

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04 The constancy of the speed of light and GPS, Length contraction

  The subject of today is the constancy of the speed of light and GPS. What is the relationship between the constancy of the speed of light and GPS? If you do not look closely, it may look like there is no relationship. Japan's Masinori Sato works at Honda Electronics. He is considered to be a n expert in the field of GPS . He submitted several papers on GPS. One of them is   'Incompatibility between the principle of the constancy of the speed of light and the Lorentz contraction in the GPS Experiment '  1)      As the title suggests, the principle of the constant velocity of light and length contraction logically conflict with each other. Of course, it is not an authoritative paper. What he announced was a temporary paper before a posting run by Cornell University. His thesis title was shocking. And in the design of the entire thesis, I can see author Sato's mistake.   Aside from all this, the title of his paper is justified. Indeed, the prin

03 Invariants of the theory of relativity, space-time intervals

     Today, I’d like to talk about space-time intervals. In the theory of relativity, space-time intervals can be thought of as 'four-dimensional length'. In 2-dimensions, length means the line-segment above the paper. And in 3D, the length is the length of the bar inside the three-dimensional space. The main stage of relativity is the fourth dimension. Here, the fourth dimension has nothing to do with the fourth dimension of mystery novels ! The main tool used to talk about relativity is the Lorentz transformation. This Lorentz transformation is essentially a mix of time and space. The theory of relativity is based on two basic ideas. The second is the constancy of the speed of light. The invariants that emerge from relativity come mostly from the constancy of the speed of light. This means that the speed of light in a vacuum is always constant regardless of the speed of the light source. This "always constant" is directly related to other invariants of rel