30. K Calculus (#6/6): Three proofs of length expansion

Hello. Today, let's take a look at proof of length expansion using K Calculus. The first is to use the K value, the second is to modify the method of Hermann Bondi, and the third is to follow David Bohm's notation. The first method and the second method are the ones we've already seen. I will show you again in the intention to refine your thinking, and I will look at the third method. Let's take a quick look at the meaning of the K value before that. Figure 1. Meaning of k When John sends a light signal every four seconds, James receives a signal every four seconds. By the way, when Alice is moving from Johnson to James, Alice receives this signal at six seconds instead of four seconds. The ratio of John to Alice's signal interval is (4 seconds: 6 seconds). This can be expressed as (1: k), where the ratio is the meaning of k. It's simple. The following relation holds between the speed of Alice and k. Where v is the relat...