32. Wag the dog phenomenon of relativity theory

'Wag the dog' is an interesting phenomenon. Generally speaking, 'dog is shaking the tail' is normal, but conversely 'tail is shaking dog'. Figure 1. Normal phenomenon of a dog shaking its tail Today, this word is used in many fields. When used in stocks, it refers to the phenomenon in which futures determine the flow of stocks. In the broadcasting market, it also indicates that the single personal broadcasting catches up with the regular broadcast. Figure 2. Phenomenon of wag the dog Wag the dog This word became widely known in original comedy movies. Shortly before an election, a spin-doctor and a Hollywood producer join efforts to fabricate a war in order to cover up a Presidential sex scandal. So the president creates a war that could kill tens of thousands of people to hide his scandals. This is a summary of the movie content. So, the president drives the people's attention to war, and he overturns his political crisis....